Municipal & Special Districts
Karp Neu Hanlon, P.C. enjoys a long and distinguished history in the field of local government law. The breadth of our experience and expertise in this area is unique in western Colorado. Our attorneys have served as general and special counsel to municipalities and special districts, water and sanitation districts, metropolitan districts, business improvement districts, liquor licensing authorities, and intergovernmental authorities.
In the course of this service, we are pleased to advise our clients on a wide range of issues affecting Colorado local government entities today, including:
- Drafting and enactment of municipal legislation and special district regulations
- Negotiation of complex development and annexation agreements
- Litigation of land use and annexation matters, construction and contract disputes, and other matters, including successful appellate cases involving tax disputes, and provision of water services.
- Public finance mechanisms, including creation of improvement districts, bonding, identifying finance strategies, and use of enterprise status
- Eminent domain and land acquisition by local governments
- Employment law, including the Fair Labor Standards Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, Family and Medical Leave Act, defense of wrongful discharge cases, and other types of federal regulation, and development and review of personal manuals, contracts and ordinances shielding the public employer from liability
- Election law, including drafting ballot questions, TABOR compliance and litigation, and initiative, referendum and recall elections
- Acquisition and preservation of water rights